Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Photos From the Air (Day 8 continued)

                                                                                          Tuesday, June 14
    Thought I'd add in some photos from our flight from Hualien to Kaohsiung.  We did take a funny route.  We followed the east coast down to the tip of the country, then flew up the west coast to Kaohsiung.  And we looked for the elusive whales that Dave saw (?) on our flight to Hualien.
Taking off from Hualien

Happy to say that we are still taking off.

Delta near Hualien

Clouds (for Filip!)

Kaohsiung harbor

More of the Kaohsiung harbor


Ships before the harbor--we did not fly backward.  I think I mentioned that the order of the photos does get mixed up in the uploading?

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